In order for everyone to have the most fun we have a few guidelines for you during your stay.
All local laws are to be followed
The laws of the mundane world will apply here in the festival and the park.
No fires, except the ritual fire. No campfires will be allowed on the open ground or in pits. No fires will be allowed if conditions are deemed unsafe by either the park administration, or local fire authorities. WE DO NOT SUPPLY FIRE WOOD. Use only locally sourced firewood. This is to avoid accidently bringing in invasive species into the park.
Drum sounds will be monitored for volume and may, also, be required to lower the volume to appease local law enforcement and/or neighbors. The park has quiet times at 10pm across the lake and nearby.
Absolutely no pictures of minors are allowed unless explicit permission is given by their parents or legal guardians.
Absolutely no photography of nudity of any kind will be allowed at any time. Permission must be obtained from every recognizable person in the photo or viewfinder. Please respect others privacy. Use of any pictures or video obtained during the festival for public viewing or distribution must have the verbal approval of the people in the photo. Respect must be given and honored to those who do not want their picture taken. Failure to abide by these rules will result but are not limited to one or more of the following: Eviction from the event. A NGS member will identify and enforce when photography cannot be a part of the festival.
Additional rules found on the NGS Waiver
Qualified service animals only. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their animals.
Smoking is not permitted in the Ritual area, under any roof (this includes all pop-ups), any PORTA-pottie, or where posted. Please be considerate and dispose of any butts responsibly and do not throw them on the ground. Please position yourself downwind from those around you who may not want second hand smoke. No cigarettes or butts in the ritual fire.
Please be mindful and respectful when using your cell phone for phone calls, text messaging and photo taking with regards to workshops, rituals, sacred spaces and ritual fire. If you must take a call, be sure to take the call outside of these areas. Be sure to have your cell phone silenced or on vibrate when participating in activities. Please do not text during workshops, rituals or other activities. Please review the photography guidelines for use of cell phones and social media.
During the festival please park your vehicle where directed. Please place the parking pass in your windshield. Parking may be checked by Park personel where unauthorized vehicles may be towed.
Acquire a parking pass at the Park Office or at one of the kiosks.
The park has a no alcoholic beverages rules. Please obey them.
Keep them clean. If you find you need more toilet paper in a porta-pottie, please find a NGS team member or visit the registration desk. Only human waste and toilet paper are allowed. Sanitary items should be wrapped and taken with you for disposal in garbage can outside the potty. Do not leave them in the porta-pottie. The Porta-Potties are serviced by Park Staff. Please close the lid when finished using the porta-potties.
This is a garbage in, garbage out event. Please contain your trash and make plans to take it home with you. Please leave your campsite cleaner than you found it. The Park and NGS team members will appreciate it.
We ask that all children & minors be at their camps by 10:00 PM. Children under the age of 16 years old are not allowed in the drum circle after 9 PM. This time is set aside for those adults who do not feel comfortable dancing with minors present.
Nudity is not allowed. You will be immediately expelled and permanently banned from all NGS events for overt sexual behavior in public or any form of sexual harassment.