2-9 Imbolc Sunday February 9th from 2-6 pm. Ritual will be held at 2ish pm, led by Leanne Stennett of Ceriddwen’s Cauldron and will be followed by a community potluck.
4-27 Beltane
6-22 Litha
8-3 Lammas
9-28 Mabon
10-19 Samhain
12-14 Yule
Red Top Mountain State Park, Pioneer campsite 01, Pioneer Campground, Webster’s Ferry Landing, Cartersville, GA
Duration: 4 hr
Volunteers to perform the rituals are always welcome, experienced or new to it. We will support you. Let us know what you plan on doing. We can help with ritual creation.
Public · Anyone on or off Facebook
The Events are scheduled at Red Top Mountain State Park, Pioneer campsite 01,Pioneer Campground on Red Top Mountain.
They are planned for Sundays at 2pm for ritual and potluck afterward.
As you go down Webster Ferry Landing, you pass the Yacht Club sign on your right, and the turn-off is the first left afterwards. It’s a small gravel-filled road with a metal gate. Parking is up by the porta-a-pots (this is a primitive campground). Water is available on site if needed.
Potluck you are to bring your own beverage (non-alcohol) and a dish to share. (Please post on the event in the FB discussion section what you will be bringing.) No drugs or alcohol permitted. All NGS events are family-friendly and inclusive. Children must remain within sight of parental supervision. Dress for the weather and bring a camp chair for comfort if you desire to do so. There are also picnic tables on site you can sit at.
Service animals are allowed. No pets permitted due to liability.
Please respect those who still wish to social distance or wear masks while in group settings.
The rest to be updated as we roll throughout the year.
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